Our Story


Hey Bestieee!

One night while I was sketching woodland animals wearing adorbs human clothes, sipping on my Chai Tea, watching my Fiancé play L.A. Noire as my three cats slept one on my lap, one on my side, and the other by my feet I couldn’t help but feel so much peace. Pure simplistic joy for the appreciation of quiet moments like this. I was thankful to be able to be surrounded by so much love from my Fiancé and my fur babies. It was my very own little piece of Heaven and that I wanted to share it with the world and that’s when an idea began to steep in my mind.

Background Tea 

 For a while now I had mixed feelings about wanting to rebrand and rediscover myself as an artist and a creative- I originally have been an artist since my kindergarten days of finger painting pictures of smiles, hearts, and lots of colorful flowers. But I did not officially join the Art community until my Sophomore of College back in 2019, announcing myself as The Artsy Desert! Artsy because I loved all things art, and desert to honor my first name Sahara.

I would spend almost five years trying to make a name for myself, my brand, and creating art at the time that I felt reflected my interests and the person I was. However, as exciting as this was I’d find myself often burnt out and overwhelmed, and falling out of love because I tried to create so much art that did not resonate with my soul. I’d still make profits and create art but my soul, passion, and spirit no longer had a home in this artist's dream anymore. I would spend almost two years in this state of surviving in art but not loving and living in art.

New Dream, Same Love

Sometimes old dreams have to be laid to rest so that we can dream up new ones!

In 2023, my life changed drastically I was living in Cincinnati with my Fiancé, and our cats, and I had to have emergency surgery. After my surgery, I felt an immense amount of loss and grief, and I decided that this dream of being an Artist would not be another loss or grievance.

So here we are in 2024, with a newly renovated dream, the same love for Art, and a new appreciation for life, the creatives, and this beautiful world we call home- and that’s exactly what Meow and Chai Studio is for me, a home for my creative soul to feel safe, loved, seen, and wanted.

Meow and Chai Studios is a Cincinnati, Ohio-based creative brand.
My art celebrates and exemplifies simple living, simple loving, and the simple joys in life that make us feel whole. You’ll often see themes highlighting Black Beauty in my art, cute little animals dressed up in big boy clothes, and anything else that’s silly and wholesome!

My dream is that my silly little art brings you joy and comfort to your inner child, and helps remind you that no matter how wild this world gets, you’ll be okay, the sun will still rise, and tomorrow we can try again!

Meow and Chai Studios creates cute and cozy art that feels like a warm hug from a loved one, cat snuggles, and a nice hot cup of Chai tea. All three things are guaranteed to make you smile and feel loved!

So here’s my silly little art dream brought to you by myself, (Sahara), and supported and made possible by my incredibly talented artist and Fiancé Tyler, and my three cats Kenji, Shiloh, and Luca.

May your old dreams find new purpose too! 





My Silly Lil Cozy Family <3